TOD Activity Centre

Sports – Kickstarters

The sports program offers a multi-sport and life skills training program. A total of six sports are covered: basketball, cricket, football, tennis, hockey & badminton. The sport is typically changed every two weeks so that the child always gets to learn something new and becomes well rounded. This also helps the child identify the sport they enjoy the most and naturally good at.

For ages 2.5 to 8 year. 90 minutes class. Once/twice a week.

Story Telling – Little Readers’ Nook (Mumbai)

Our weekly story sessions go far beyond storytelling or book reading, delving deep into story books to develop a child’s Vocabulary, Oral Communication, Comprehension, Language Concepts, Emotional Intelligence and Creative Thinking.

For ages 3 to 6 years. 60 minutes class. Once a week.

Speech, Communication & Etiquette – Room to Bloom

This class will groom your child to be sophisticated, well presented, informed and confident whether it’s speaking, writing or simply presenting themselves in public.

For ages 4 to 12 years. 60 minutes class. Once a week.

Robotics – Science & Engineering

“How do they work?”, “How are they built?”, “How can Robots do things like humans?” So many questions…
Our goal is to familiarize your kid to the world of Applied Science. We help kids design, build and program their Robots. Kids will be involved in many technical activities facilitating Mathematics, Biology, Engineering, Electronics, Information Technology, and Science in their routines as well.

For ages 7 and above. 60 minutes class. Once a week.